Hey folks! :D I hope you're enjoying the recent release, overstuffed with new skills as it is. :D This is a very brief post to tease what's coming in the next m...
The new skills and balance update has been released! Featuring over 25 new skills, this build should give folks plenty of new character and party options to exp...
Hey folks. :D As promised, here is a preview of some of the new skills your parties will be able to discover in the next update, which is getting pretty close t...
Hey folks! As discussed in my previous post, one of the major elements of the next update are some balance changes based on feedback I've collected and my own o...
Hey folks. :D After a short break, I'm back at work on the next update and wanted to make a quick post about what it will contain. First priority is knocking ou...
The Obelisk update has been released! Over 70 new items have been added, most of which are only available as rewards from the new Obelisk encounters that can be...
Hey folks. :D Just a quick update: the work on the new Obelisk mechanic is going well. :) Actually, the Obelisk mechanic itself is complete, the remaining work...
Hey folks. :) The next update to Interdict will be introducing the Obelisk mechanic. Alongside the existing Choir, Rift, and Merchant mechanics, Obelisks will s...