Next Update Coming Soon!

Hey folks. :) Just wanted to drop a quick post to let everyone know the next Interdict update should be ready within a couple of weeks. :D

In addition to the Spell Techs and Combos mentioned in the previous post, the next update includes:

  • Other new skills such as Composed Strike, which charges an attack to strike extremely early and powerfully in the following round, Psionics: Psionic Shielding, which provides spells that can protect allies from Physical, Body, and Mind damage, and Magical Theory, a passive skill that allows Will to influence Sorcery Power and Intellect to influence Psionic Power.
  • Balance changes both to systems and individual skills and spells. A few examples: Armor is now a bit less effective against large hits but a bit more effective against small hits. Hidden status is much less likely to be lost due to taking offensive actions, making this mechanic easier to begin using with less upfront investment. Wunde now costs only 2 FP, adding an interesting new primary offensive option for Psionic adepts. Foulblood Use now also adds significant Body damage to weapon attacks, making it much more worth spending a turn to apply.
  • Several bug fixes and UI improvements.

This is a pretty meaty update, so thank you for your patience. I think it will be be worth the wait. :D Until then, cheers, and good luck on your adventures! :D

Get Interdict: The Post-Empyrean Age

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